What the COVID-19 Response Means for SPI Artisans in Peru, Tanzania, Bulgaria, and Guatemala

Within the past couple of weeks, people have had their entire lives turned upside down - likely yourself included - as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread. Our artisans and entrepreneurs are also facing uncharted territory full of uncertainty. As countries close their borders and order citizens to stay inside, many SPI affiliated businesses linked to tourism are being disproportionately affected by tighter regulations in Peru, Tanzania, Bulgaria, and Guatemala. 

The situation in Peru has escalated to the point where people need to obtain special permission just to leave their homes during the day. For these vulnerable small business owners, new government restrictions to curb the pandemic mean less or no income at all in the coming weeks. Although these entrepreneurs are doing everything to adapt to this evolving situation, most do not have the resources to do so. Your support could be their lifeline.

With access to their normal markets cut off, SPI is working with textile-related businesses to design and sew a simple mask in order to protect community members from COVID-19. Mask demand is growing and shortages are particularly acute in these poor communities. Please consider donating to the SPI Emergency Relief Fund to help SPI artisans and entrepreneurs living in poverty survive and support their communities during this difficult time. 

A face mask prototype designed by artisans partnered with SPI in Peru. 

About the SPI Emergency Relief Fund

These small, locally-owned enterprises are at risk of losing everything as countries continue to close non-essential businesses and restrict the movement of people. Many of the entrepreneurs trained by SPI come to us from extreme poverty, looking to build a better future for themselves and their families. Help us ensure these vulnerable people - the majority of whom are women - do not lose their livelihoods during this unprecedented crisis. With your support, artisans linked to SPI can make it through this lockdown without going hungry or losing their otherwise successful businesses.

How Your Donation Will Make a Difference:

1) Provide Emergency Services for Poor Entrepreneurs

Giving to the SPI Relief Fund allows us to advance purchase products, send emergency wage assistance and otherwise assist these small business owners to keep them safe and ensure their basic needs are met during this time. 

2) Help Artisans Make Affordable Face Masks 

Shortages of protective equipment such as face masks and gloves are becoming a reality for many combating coronavirus. Textile artisans partnered with SPI in Peru and Tanzania are stepping up to make affordable face masks for members of their community. Artisans are now working to complete the first order of 4,000 masks placed on Thursday. Your gift will subsidize some costs of production so that masks can be widely distributed in poor communities.

3) Maximize Support for Communities and Small Business Owners

Other organizations around the world are doing similar work to empower women, refugees and other marginalized entrepreneurs. We are sharing our mask design, technical and other expertise to help sustain small businesses and protect the health of small communities. If you are part of an organization or business that would like access to this information, contact us here

Thank you for helping us all stay safe

Maximize Support for Communities and Small Business Owners: SISAN PERU

None of this life-saving work would be possible without you, our dedicated and generous supporters. In the midst of the upheaval and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to thank you for all you’ve done to help disadvantaged people in other parts of the world by partnering with SPI. Donating to the SPI Relief Fund will not only help entrepreneurs meet their basic needs, but it will provide them with the resources to stay home, practice healthy habits, and be safe. Thank you for thinking of others during this difficult time. From all of us at SPI, we offer our best wishes of good health to you and your family. Please stay safe. Sincerely,

Larry Coben 
Sustainable Preservation Initiative 
Tax ID 27-2704326

Contributions may be made online here. Checks may be sent to:
40 West 22nd Street 11th Floor
New York, NY 1001

If you prefer to donate via SPI's COVID-19 Emergency Relief Facebook Fundraiser, please click here.